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School of Clinical Medicine


A Clinical Lectureship (CL) gives you the opportunity to spend 50% protected time on academic research. The remaining 50% is spent on clinical training.  Clinical Lectureships are part of the NIHR’s Integrated Academic Training Pathway.  

In Cambridge, academic opportunity is positively supported by Cambridge University Health Partners (CUHP) and NHS England – East of England. You’ll receive word-class research training in combination and exceptional clinical training. 

Protected research time is guaranteed by clinical and academic programme leads and monitored closely by the Clinical Academic Training Office (CATO). Research time is arranged to suit the individual department. CL and research projects can be based locally or might involve visits to other national or international labs. 

A CL is funded for up to 4 years and you must have a PhD when appointed. Most trainees will obtain their completion of clinical training (CCT) during their Clinical Lectureship. This will automatically end the CL, unless you apply for a CL extension and it is granted. 

All CL posts have the same contract, terms and conditions, bursaries, and access to training opportunities regardless of whether they are funded locally or via the NIHR. 

Our CLs have gone on to: 

  • obtain The Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS) Starter Grants 

  • gain Clinician-Scientist posts 

  • Intermediate or Senior Fellowships 

  • University Lectureships 


You can search for posts on: 

We advertise posts throughout the academic year.

Out of Programme (OOP)  

NIHR rules state that we treat locally employed academic trainees identically. This means if you start an OOP during your CL then your lectureship will normally end. This is at the discretion of the NHS England local office and NIHR Academy. 


Annual Training Bursary  

You can apply for an annual training bursary of £1000 per year.  

You can use this for expenses such as: 

  • academic courses 

  • conferences 

For guidance on eligibility criteria and how to claim, please email

Contact us

If you have queries about the post you can contact person named in the advert.

Training pathways or post options 

If you need advice on training pathways and options, email:  

Queries about your offer 

If you have queries about your offer you contact our HR Department by email 

Less than Full Time (LTFT)  

If you need to change hours to less than full time, please email NHS England, East of England lead

Extension of post completion of clinical training (CCT) 

If you need guidance and time scales for an extension, please email

You should:

  • start the process at least 12 months before CCT
  • compete and return request forms and supporting letters

Read more about the NIHR extension process. 

Statutory leave

You can contact HR in the University department you are based to discuss leave. You can also contact us by email

Access to University of Cambridge resources

CLs are employed by the University and will have access to all relevant resources.