All students at the University of Cambridge are subject to the statutory provisions of University Discipline set out in regulations.
Student doctors are studying for a degree that will automatically allow them to register provisionally as a medical professional. During their studies, they work within this professional environment and the General Medical Council (GMC) expects them to behave in a manner appropriate to their future role.
The standards of behaviour expected of them are set out in guidance published by the GMC and Medical Schools Council: Medical students: professional values and fitness to practise (March 2009), paragraphs 15 – 38; students receive a copy of the guidance and the notes on the legal status of students when they join the University.
The University has also agreed a Code of Conduct for student doctors to guide them during their studies.
Students are asked to confirm that they are willing to adhere to these standards and their names are entered in a Medical Student Register which entitles them to have supervised contact with patients.
Students whose health or conduct may lead them to be a risk to patients may be removed from the Medical Student Register and will not be permitted to enter MB examinations for the award of the MB/BChir and provisional registration with the GMC.
Medical Student Code of Conduct
As a student member of the medical profession you are expected to:
- make the care of patients your first concern
- demonstrate respect for others: patients, fellow professionals, teachers and student colleagues
- treat patients politely and considerately, respect their views even if you don’t agree with them, respect their privacy, their dignity and their right to confidentiality
- engage fully with the teaching programme including clinical placements, bedside teaching, lectures, seminars and workshops
- act without discrimination, whether on grounds of age, race, sex, disability, religion or belief, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy and parenthood, sexual orientation, gender reassignment or perceived economic worth
- abide by rules and policies, follow procedures and guidelines which apply to all aspects of the course as advised by the professionals supervising you
- be an effective communicator: always make clear to patients and other healthcare professionals that you are a student and not a qualified doctor; be aware of your limitations and do not exceed your ability when giving information to patients
- be open and honest: do not break the law in any way, never threaten violence, act violently towards others or act dishonestly. Do not engage in bullying and harassment of fellow students or professional colleagues. Inform your Senior Tutor and the Clinical Dean immediately if you are involved in any University or police investigation which may lead to charges being brought; concealment of involvement in an incident that may lead to prosecution may be viewed as an even greater offence than the incident itself. Do not cheat in examinations
- understand, accept and agree to be bound by the principle of confidentiality of patient data, and also of information concerning staff and students. Do not discuss patients with other students or professionals outside the clinical setting, except anonymously. When recording data or discussing cases outside the clinical setting, ensure that patients cannot be identified by others
- demonstrate respect for patients and for fellow students and professionals when using social media or sharing communications. Do not use mobile electronic devices to record and store patient images or any other identifiable patient information; never use E-mail, electronic messaging or social media to share information about patients. Do not abuse fellow students or colleagues on social media platforms
- ensure that you can be reliably contacted by University and NHS staff; reply promptly to emails and other communications
- contribute to improving teaching by completing feedback as requested by course organisers and reporting any difficulties as they arise through the appropriate channels
- comply with appropriate health-testing requirements as advised by the university, NHS and Occupational Health
- maintain a professional appearance and demeanour and comply with the recommended Dress Code
- take action at an early stage if a problem arises: inform the Clinical Dean, SubDean for Welfare or a College Tutor immediately if you become aware of any personal problems arising which may put the health and well-being of patients at risk
- seek immediate advice from the Clinical Dean or one of the Clinical SubDeans if you think a doctor or colleague has behaved in a way that suggests that he or she may not be fit to practise. Examples of such behaviour include: making serious or repeated mistakes in diagnosing or treating a patient’s condition, not examining patients properly or responding to reasonable requests for treatment, misusing information about patients, treating patients without properly obtaining their consent, behaving dishonestly in financial matters, or in dealing with patients, or research, sexual misconduct, misusing alcohol or drugs
- avoid abusing alcohol or drugs